Modules | Classes
Hardware YARP devices

YARP devices that provide access to the robot hardware. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Hardware YARP devices:


 The dragonfly2 framegrabber device driver can acquire RGB color images in 320x240 or 640x480 resolutions.
 Driver for Ethernet communication with Force-Torque sensors, the Strain2 board.
 Implements <a href="" ICanBus interface < > for a ems to can bus device.


class  CanBusAnalogSensor
 canbusanalogsensor : driver for CAN communication with IIT's analog sensor boards, including the MAIS and STRAIN boards. More...
class  CanBusFtSensor
 canbusftsensor : driver for CAN communication with IIT's analog sensor boards, including the MAIS and STRAIN boards. More...
class  CanBusInertialMTB
 canbusinertialmtb : driver for CAN communication with inertial sensors (accelerometers, gyroscopes) mounted on MTB boards. More...
class  yarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl
 canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus. More...
class  ClientCartesianController
 clientcartesiancontroller : implements the client part of the Cartesian Interface. More...
class  ServerCartesianController
 servercartesiancontroller : implements the server part of the Cartesian Interface. More...
class  yarp::dev::Cfw2Can
 cfw2can : driver implementing the yarp::dev::ICanBus interface for a cfw2 can bus device (cfw2 pc104 card). More...
class  yarp::dev::DragonflyDeviceDriver2Rgb
 dragonfly2 : framegrabber device driver that can acquire RGB color images in 320x240 or 640x480 resolutions. More...
class  yarp::dev::DragonflyDeviceDriver2Raw
 dragonfly2raw : framegrabber device driver that can acquire raw format images in 640x480 resolution. More...
class  yarp::dev::embObjMotionControl
 embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus. More...
class  yarp::dev::EsdCan
 ecan : implements yarp::dev::ICanBus for a esd can bus board. More...
class  yarp::dev::FakeCan
 fakecan : implements yarp::dev::ICanBus for a software (fake) can bus board. More...
class  ClientGazeController
 clientgazecontroller : implements the client part of the the Gaze Control Interface. More...
class  yarp::dev::imuST_M1
 imuST_M1 : driver for 3DM_GX3 IMU unit from MicroStrain More...
class  yarp::dev::PlxCan
 pcan : implements yarp::dev::ICanBus for a "plx based" can bus device (cfw pc104 card). More...
class  yarp::dev::CanBusAccessPoint
 sharedcan : implements ICanBus interface for multiple access from a single access can driver (for example cfw2can). More...
class  yarp::dev::SocketCan
 socketcan : implements yarp::dev::ICanBus for a linux socketcan. More...
class  yarp::dev::XSensMTx
 xsensmtx : driver for XSens's MTx IMU unit. More...

Detailed Description

YARP devices that provide access to the robot hardware.

To add a device to this list please add this in the source code:

   * @ingroup icub_hardware_modules
   * @brief `yarpdevicename` : device description.

(This page can be edited at src/doc/groups.dox)